
5 Crazy Things No One Warns You About Getting Divorced

Is anyone else in the middle of a “divorce wave” in their circle of friends?

First, it started out when my guy friend Janus* went to jail and papers got filed. Then, my friend Maria* got hit with papers after 10 years of marriage. Now, my other guy friend is divorcing his wife.

If you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone. Studies actually show that divorce is contagious. Once one person in your friend group divorces, it’s usually common enough to see others follow suit.

All things considered, I’ve been seeing a lot of different sides of divorce.

Divorce seems to be one of those things that no one can fully warn you about unless they’ve been there. Or, as my friend Ted* explained, “If you know, you know.”

I never realized how devastating a divorce can be until I saw my friends go through it. Financially, everyone knows it costs a ton. But these things? Yeah, no one explained them.

Here are 5 crazy things no one warns you about getting divorced:

1. The divvying up of friends

I had frequently overheard people bemoan losing a mother-in-law who they began to see as a parent figure. At times, people are also shocked at how little their in-laws stick up for them during a divorce or abuse.

To a point, that’s to be expected. Rare is the parent who sides with their daughter/son-in-law instead of their own kid. It makes sense, though. It’s your blood relations.


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