The priest said to the congregation, "Is there anybody here who can dash me ₦5,000? If there's anybody here who can give me ₦5,000, let the person come to the altar". Many people came to the altar. He prayed for God to bless them. Then, he asked them to stay on the right side of the altar. Next, he said, "is there anybody here who is in need of ₦5,000. Please be sincere. If you know that if you get ₦5,000 now, it can change your life, please come out". Ọmọ, come see how people rush comot! He told them to stay on the left side of the altar. Then, he told those on the right: "Just pick one person on the left and give the ₦5,000 to him or her". LESSONS 1. "Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh," as Lucky Dube would sing. You can see that the Priest blessed those on the right with a special prayer but didn't bless those on the left. 2. There will be more wealthy people in Heaven than poor people. Or, can't you see how the wealthy people are on the RIGHT of the altar while the poor people are on the LEFT? 3. This priest probably doesn't realize that the Holy Spirit used him to teach these lessons so quickly.
4 Responses
Wow so interesting
Wow interesting