
Nigerian doctor elected President of Canadian Medical Association

2 months ago

Nigerian doctor elected President of Canadian Medical Association

A Nigerian-born clinical associate professor of medicine at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Dr. Bolu Ogunyemi, has been elected as President of the Canadian Medical Association, CMA.

A statement on the association’s website said Ogunyemi, who is a practicing medical dermatologist in St. John’s, Newfoundland, and a visiting specialist in Labrador City since 2018, was elected in a vote that took place from November 20 to December 4, 2024.

The election saw eligible members of the association in Newfoundland and Labrador decide between Ogunyemi and Dr. Susan MacDonald, a renowned champion of palliative care.

Speaking shortly after his victory, Ogunyemi stated that his 15 years of experience in medical leadership had equipped him with valuable insights into the pressing issues the healthcare system faces.

“As CMA president-elect, I will advocate for a unified profession, a strong healthcare system, and healthier communities,” he said.

Pending approval at the CMA’s Annual General Meeting in May 2025, Ogunyemi will assume the role of President-elect before becoming President for a one-year term in May 2026.


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