
Why This One Behavior Can Instantaneously Ruin Your Marriage

By Lizzy Francis

Screens are a fun, addicting relationship killer.

This isn’t news to anyone — their primary function is to distract and present us with windows into different worlds that are more engaging than real life.

Let’s face it — scrolling through someone’s vacation Instagram stories or playing a round of Wordscapes is a pleasant distraction from talking about soccer schedules or parent-teacher meetings.

But, if a partner is always ignoring you for their phone — also known as phubbing — bad things happen.

Partners feel dismissed. Frustration builds. So does resentment.

The phone becomes a barrier. And barriers do not make a happy marriage.

As with any marital issue, it’s important not to let such problems fester.

It’s also not useful to explore passive-aggressive routes.

So, what’s the best way to actually talk to your partner about their phone use?

According to Stephanie Wijkstrom, MS, LPC, NCC, psychotherapist and founder of the Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh, there are certain guidelines to remember.


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